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Hochstein Nursery LLC Hochstein Nursery Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Martels Nursery Inc. Eshraghi Nursery Hochstein Nursery LLC Bowers Forest Products

Plant Details

Spiraea japonica 'Walbuma'

Magic Carpet™ Japanese Spirea
Zone: 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b
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This small, deciduous shrub bursts-out in color in early spring revealing twigs covered in brilliant orange-yellow new growth. The foliage color softens to orange blushed chartreuse as it matures. In early summer lacey pancake-like clusters of glowing pink flowers grace the tips of its branches. MAGIC CARPET Japanese spirea maintains a more compact habit than many other selections and the golden-colored foliage is not prone to reverting to the typical green form. It is a great companion for yellow and orange foliage and flowers, try it with Heuchera 'Marmalade' or Rosa 'Golden Wings'. Use this Japanese spirea to hide the base of the vigorous hybrid trumpet vine, Campsis x tagliabuana 'Madame Galen'. The late-summer flowers of 'Madame Galen' would look fabulous with this spirea.

This small spirea prefers full sun to light or open shade. Plant it in rich moist to well-drained soil, although it will tolerate clay if the drainage is adequate. Provide regular water to this small shrub to keep it looking its best through the summer. A few older stems can be pruned to the ground in the winter every year. Alternatively, cut the entire shrub back to six to eight inches tall every three or four years and allow it to regrow.

(Source: Great Plant Picks)

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14 Nurseries Carry This Plant:

Listing Key

Name City/State Email Phone Prod Type Availability
Advanced Ornamentals Inc. St. Paul, OR Email now 503-633-2833 Container: X
Alpha Nursery Inc. Salem, OR Email now 503-390-1286 Container: 2
Backyard Natives LLC Estacada, OR Email now 503-505-4866 Container: 1
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  • Blue Heron Farm Corvallis, OR Email now 541-754-4224 Container: 3
    Blue Mountain Nursery LLC Damascus, OR Email now 503-658-1991 Container: 2
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  • Don Marjama Nursery Co. Inc. Sandy, OR Email now 503-668-8083 Container: X
    Fisher Farms Gaston, OR Email now 503-985-7561 Container: 2
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  • Harley Higgins and Sun Nursery Woodburn, OR Email now 503-310-8582 Container: X
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  • Harold M. Miller Landscape Nursery Jefferson, OR Email now 503-399-1599 Container: 2
    Highland Meadow Nursery Inc. Molalla, OR Email now 503-651-3810 Container: X
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  • Hochstein Nursery LLC Cornelius, OR Email now 503-357-5651 Container: 2
    Loen Nursery Inc. Woodburn, OR Email now 503-982-6300 Container: 2
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  • Sester Farms Inc. Gresham, OR Email now 503-663-4844 Bare Root: X Container: X
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  • Ten Oaks Nursery Molalla, OR Email now 971-270-7438 Container: X