Plant Details
Buddleia x 'SMNBDD' PP32399, CBRAF
Lo & Behold Ruby Chip® Butterfly Bush
Plant Category:
Deciduous Shrubs & Broadleaf Evergreens
Minimum 2 feet , Maximum 3 feet
Width: Minimum 2 feet , Maximum 3 feet
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Width: Minimum 2 feet , Maximum 3 feet
Finally - the color of 'Miss Molly' buddleia combined with the space-saving dwarf habit of the Lo & Behold® series! Developed by Megan Mathey, this selection is a bit larger than Lo & Behold 'Pink Micro Chip' and boasts larger, more boldly-colored blooms.
Featured in the New Varieties Showcase at the 2020 Farwest Show.
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