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Jiffy Growing Solutions Martels Nursery Inc. Hochstein Nursery LLC Hochstein Nursery LLC Willamette Nurseries, Inc. (November 20, February 21, May 21, August 21) Willamette Nurseries, Inc. (September 20, January 21, May 21) Anderson Die & Manufacturing Eshraghi Nursery Hochstein Nursery Bowers Forest Products Leonard Adams Insurance Inc.

Plant Details

Pinus wallichiana

Zone: 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b
Exposure: Sun
Plant Category: Conifers
Height: Maximum 18 feet
Width: Maximum 16 feet
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Great Plant Picks - This handsome-yet-uncommon conifer deserves a special place in the garden. Himalayan pine has very long, silky-soft needles of attractive blue-green. If it is planted where it receives partial shade, the blue needle coloring is intensified. Mature specimens become large stately trees with distinctly layered branches. Trees ultimately take on a broadly pyramidal shape. And their cones are equally impressive, some reaching almost to 12 inches in length, hanging in small clusters from the branches. It is a good tree for large spaces and combines well with our native conifers. The long, almost shaggy, needles make this one of the most attractive and graceful pines for the landscape. Himalayan white pine grows best in full sun to light or open shade. In shade the needles have a lovely blue cast. It prefers well-drained or sandy soil and once established it is drought tolerant, but does appreciate occasional watering during prolonged dry weather. Little pruning is needed to maintain its twisted habit, only remove dead, broken or poorly formed limbs. Himalayan pine is free of any serious diseases or pests. It is particularly resistant to pine shoot moth and white pine blister rust. Provide ample space for this large tree to fully develop.

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