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Are You an OAN Member? Manage Your Profile
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Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Bowers Forest Products Hochstein Nursery LLC Eshraghi Nursery Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Hochstein Nursery LLC Martels Nursery Inc. Hochstein Nursery

Nursery Guide - Get in the Book and Online

Nursery Guide - print and online - is an important tool for today's green industry decision-makers and buyers. Nursery Guide has been around for a long time. Even the old Nursery Guide website was around for about 20 years. So what's the big deal? It has the functionality and features that provide OAN members with instant credibility. This is especially important for those members that may not have a company website. It also helps enhance the web presence of members with active websites. There is only one way to get a free profile or purchase listings - and that's by being an OAN member.

   » Join OAN Today!

How do I login to

Select the Login link at the top of page. Use your OAN member ID as your initial "Username". If you don't know your Member ID, please contact the OAN office at 503-682-5089 or

Forgot Your Password?
You can request a new one, by entering the email address associated with your account. We'll email you a link to a page where you can reset your password. Need help? Please contact the OAN office at 503-682-5089.

How do I manage my profile?

As an OAN member, you automatically receive a FREE company profile page. Select the Manage Your Profile link at the top of the page. Verify that your business description and company contact information is correct (this information is not automatically updated based on your membership information). While you're updating your profile, be sure to enhance your company's online information by adding your availability lists and photos, too. Note: Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "update".

I'm not sure what to enter for some of these fields

Business Name - The default for this field is the company name used for your OAN membership.

Private Profile - The default for this field is "No." A "No" means the profile is not set to Private; all visitors to are allowed to view your company profile, including your plant and/or supply listings. Changing this to "Yes" means that your profile is set to Private and your profile and listings can only be viewed by OAN members, greatly reducing your company's visibility to potential buyers.

First Name - The default is the first name used for your OAN membership.

Last Name - The default is the last name used for your OAN membership.

Username - The default is your company's OAN member identification number.

Account Email: - The default is the primary e-mail address used for your OAN membership. All emails from the system will be sent to this address. The email address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by email.

Public Email: - The default is the primary e-mail address used for your OAN membership. This address is published online and in the printed version of Nursery Guide.

Password - This field changes your login password. It also helps you identify the security strength of your password. You want to create a strong password, which contains numbers, letters and punctuation.

Confirm Password - Retype your password to confirm.

Business Type - Check the fields which best describe your business.

Sales Type - Check the fields which best describe how you sell your product.

Sells To - Check the fields which best describe who you sell your product to.

Ships To - Check the regions which your company is willing to ship to.

Book Description - This description of your company appears in the company directory in the front of the print Nursery Guide. It needs to be more succinct than your online company description and is limited to 50 words.

Online Company Profile Description - Descriptions add personality and searchability to your profile. This is a great way to let your personality shine through, share information about your business, and list items in which you specialize. There is a direct SEO bonus as well: the web in general relies on search engines (Google and Bing, for example) and having extra information - and keywords that describe your business - in your description will should help increase your prominence in search results. This description can be as long as you like it to be.

How do I add images to my profile?

You have 10 opportunities on your company profile to feature your logo and/or photos of your company, nursery fields, plants or products, and staff. The Primary image appears as the largest image on your profile. Gallery images, up to 9, are the smaller images that appear on your profile.

Name the image in the "Image Alt" box. Because search engines search the name of photos, you're encouraged to provide the plant or product name. For the "Image Title" (which appears when a mouse hovers over the image), you might think about using the name of your company.

How do I enter my availability lists?

One of the key features that sets apart from other sites is the ability to post as many as four availability list with your profile. This gives you additional visibility and expands on the information provided in your listings. Our research shows that companies looking for plant material greatly value having access to availability lists. To upload your list, click "Browse" and find the file(s) on your computer. Then, click "Upload." It's as easy as that!

How do I update my listings?

Select the My Listings link at the top of the page. Here you'll find all your listings on one page in an easy-to-read format that is ready for you to review and edit. Remember, you can change or update your listings at any time during the year, but to get in the printed version all listings must be entered and paid for by March 31. OAN members receive 1 FREE plant, product or service listing. Free listing does not include Priority Listings.

Never listed before?

Click on the "My Listings" link at the top of the page. Scroll down the page and choose the plants, products or services you want to list. Select the Renew Now button to complete your listings renewal.


Purchasing a priority listing ensures that your company is listed at the top of companies offering that plant. When adding a plant listing, select the Priority Listing checkbox next to your plant listing. Priority listings are $10 each.

How do I pay for my listings?

Did you complete your listings changes? Are you ready to renew and pay for your listings?
Just check the Renew Current Listing box and select the Update button to purchase your listings. Listings are active online until March 30 of next year.


1-5 listings

$6.50 each

6-25 listings

$5.50 each

26-75 listings

$5.25 each

76+ listings

$5.00 each

Priority listings

$10 per listing

How do I advertise in Nursery Guide or

There are more opportunities to be seen in print and online. If you really want to increase exposure to your target audience, display and banner advertising is the way to go. Rates are very reasonable and you'll get even more buyers looking at your company. For the book, download the Nursery Guide display ad insertion order form (PDF). For, download the insertion order form (PDF). For more information, contact the OAN at 503.682.5089 or

Important Deadlines

Reserve Display Advertising Space by May 1.
Listings must be paid for by March 31 to be in the printed version of Nursery Guide

Listings purchased January 1-April 30 will appear in that year's print Nursery Guide and on through April 30 of the following year.

Listings purchased May 1-December 31, immediately will appear online through March 30 of the following year, but will not be included in that the current year's print Nursery Guide. Listings will need to be renewed between January 1 and March 30 to appear in the next year's print edition of Nursery Guide.

Need Help?

Your OAN staff is here to assist you! Contact us at 503-682-5089 or