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Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Hochstein Nursery Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Eshraghi Nursery Martels Nursery Inc. Hochstein Nursery LLC Bowers Forest Products Hochstein Nursery LLC

Plant Details

Crinodendron hookerianum

Chilean Lantern Tree
Zone: 11, 10a, 10b, 8b, 9a, 9b
Exposure: Light/Bright Shade
Height: Minimum 10 feet , Maximum 15 feet
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From the temperate rain forest of southern Chile, this 30' -- but more likely 10-15' in the garden -- evergreen creates a narrow pyramid of 2", glossy leaves and maroon pink lanterns, most abundant in spring but sporadically throughout the year. A lover of damp cool conditions, alas it is a plant for the cool conservatory or along the Pacific West Coast. Sun in the coolest of coastal areas to dappled shade and away from drying winds inland. Even moisture and humidity. Plant with the Lapagerias. One old plant in the MacDonald garden of Portland, though suffering a couple of set backs over the years, is a fine specimen of about 8'. Mid USDA Zone 8, a bit lower with protection.
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Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:23 PM

Incredible brilliant red lantern shaped flowers adorn the multistem large shrub in late spring. Needs cool, moist soil and protection from hot sun. Chilean.


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