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Hochstein Nursery Bowers Forest Products Hochstein Nursery LLC Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Hochstein Nursery LLC Eshraghi Nursery Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Martels Nursery Inc.

Plant Details

Acer palmatum 'Sister Ghost'

Sister Ghost Japanese Maple
Zone: 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b
Exposure: Part Shade
Plant Category: Shade & Flowering Trees
Height: Minimum 9 feet , Maximum 13 feet
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MATSUMURAE, variegated. A great cultivar from the Buchholz Nursery here in Oregon. Deeply dissected toothed leaves are very pale cream-green with dark green veining and light pink tips on new foliage going to a lovely lime-green and then entering fall dressed in a eye catching yellow-orange. As with almost all white variegated cultivars, protection from afternoon sun is needed.
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Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:29 PM

Creamy yellow-green leaves heavily veined with green darken through the season; leaves more deeply divided than other Ghosts... altogether a fine small-medium-sized tree (to 6-8' x 5' in 10 yrs). PSh/Med


Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:29 PM

This is the best of the Ghost series in my opinion. It has the superb reticulation on an almost white leaf in spring with pink overtones. The growth habit is a wide cone; to 6'. zone 5


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