Plant Details
Syringa vulgaris 'Andenken an Ludwig Spaeth'
Common Lilac
Light/Bright Shade
Plant Category:
Deciduous Shrubs & Broadleaf Evergreens
Minimum 8 feet , Maximum 12 feet
Width: Minimum 6 feet , Maximum 8 feet
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Width: Minimum 6 feet , Maximum 8 feet
Having passed the test of time (almost one century!) And having been listed by a number of variations to the name, here is the best and most popular dark lilac! The name translates as 'Souvenir of Ludwig Spaeth' and you will find it listed as that, as well as by simply 'Ludwig Spaeth'. Flowers on this variety are an unsurpassed dark purple-red which retain their color well. The abundant panicles reach 1' in length in a narrow symmetrical shape, and the individual florets are large. The plant is of vigorous and spreading habit. Just imagine all the fragrance from such a beauty!
Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:26 PM
Very fragrant, deep-deep-purple, single flowers make this a gem among hybrid lilacs; the S.vulgaris tribe are large (15-20') low-maintenance shrubs. S/M
Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:26 PM
Very dark purple, single blooms. A traditional favorite, and deservedly so. AGM winner.
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