Plant Details

Stewartia koreana
Korean Stewartia
Light/Bright Shade
Plant Category:
Shade & Flowering Trees
Minimum 15 feet , Maximum 40 feet
Width: Minimum 20 feet , Maximum 25 feet
Report a problem
Width: Minimum 20 feet , Maximum 25 feet
A splendid form with flowers that open wider than the species. Bark on the trunk and branches flakes, giving it a look of beautifully marked snakeskin. A medium sized tree with a narrow, pyramidal habit. Exceptionally bright fall colors.
2 Nurseries Carry This Plant:
Name | City/State | Phone | Prod Type | Availability | |
Loen Nursery Inc. | Woodburn, OR | Email now | 503-982-6300 | Container: 1 |
Sobella Nursery | Damascus, OR | Email now | 503-454-0789 | BB: X |
Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:31 PM
The lovely white flowers of this variety are said to lie flatter (to 3" across) ; its fall color may be an even finer (is that possible?!) reds yellows; a wonderful 20-40' tree with handsome peeling bark. PSh/Med
Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:31 PM
This is close to a perfect tree for the garden: 12-15 ', good camellia type flower in early summer, scarlet fall color and peeling bark leaving smooth silky trunk. Zone 6
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