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Hochstein Nursery Hochstein Nursery LLC Hochstein Nursery LLC Martels Nursery Inc. Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Eshraghi Nursery Bowers Forest Products

Plant Details

Polystichum neolobatum

Long-Eared Holly Fern
Zone: 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b
Exposure: Shade
Height: Maximum 2 feet
Width: Maximum 3 feet
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Great Plant Picks - Asian saber fern is relatively new to the Pacific Northwest but has quickly proven to be a strong performer for us. Its fronds are glossy green and leathery, held stiffly upright to create an open, vase-shaped plant that is distinctive in the garden. Its fronds are so stiff that they do not collapse in our occasional snows, but remain fully upright and evergreen through the winter. Place Asian saber fern with soft-textured ferns and plants with paler green foliage for best contrast. Its unusual growth habit makes it eye-catching as a single specimen or interesting when planed en masse. This fern grows best in rich moist to well-drained soil, but will tolerate sand or clay. Once established it will tolerate occasional watering during dry weather, but regular watering may be necessary for plants in sandy soils. This fern grows well in light to deep shade. Too much sun will cause the fronds to yellow. Though it is evergreen the fronds should be cut down in late February or March, before the new fronds emerge.

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1 Nurseries Carry This Plant:

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Sundquist Nursery Poulsbo, WA Email now 360-779-6343 Container: 2