Plant Details
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Monmar' PPAF
Enchantress® Hydrangea
Part Shade
Plant Category:
Deciduous Shrubs & Broadleaf Evergreens
Minimum 3 feet , Maximum 5 feet
Width: Minimum 5 feet , Maximum 5 feet
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Width: Minimum 5 feet , Maximum 5 feet
Enchantress® upstages other rebloomers with her unique ruby-black stemps showcasing a nearly non-stop sow of beautiful, mophead flowers. Blooming on old and new wood, clusters are up to 9 inches across; blue in acid soils, pink in alkaline soils. Her tall, dark stems are stunning in contrast as the flowers fade to cream-splashed green. Supurb for accent, specimen, or border. Excellent cut and dried floweer. Deciduous.
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