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Hochstein Nursery LLC Eshraghi Nursery Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Bowers Forest Products Martels Nursery Inc. Hochstein Nursery Hochstein Nursery LLC Willamette Nurseries, Inc.

Plant Details

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Ceanothus 'Joyce Coulter'

Wild Lilac or False Lilac
Zone: 10a, 10b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b
Exposure: Sun
Height: Minimum 2 feet , Maximum 5 feet
Width: Maximum 8 feet
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One of the first 'modern' Ceanothus cultivars and still one of the best. Medium blue (and quite fragrant) flowers, in larger clusters, on an evergreen shrub up to 5 ft tall x 8 ft wide, smaller in colder climates. Handsome large glossy leaves. Somewhat tolerant of heavy soils. Full to part sun and very little summer water. Cold hardy to at least USDA zone 8 and possibly into zone 7.
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Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:23 PM

This handsome 2' tall x 8' wide mounding groundcover is covered with medium blue flowers March-May; a Western native (hybrid, perhaps, between C.papillosus ; C.thyrsiflorus), it's drought tolerant; remove upright stems. Sun/Med-D/GdDrain


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