Plant Details

Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea'
Golden Southern Catalpa
Plant Category:
Shade & Flowering Trees
Minimum 25 feet , Maximum 30 feet
Width: Minimum 25 feet , Maximum 30 feet
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Width: Minimum 25 feet , Maximum 30 feet
The golden catalpa makes a huge yellow 'statement' in the garden, the large yellow leaves keeping their soft color for most of the summer. Spring flowers are white, fragrant, large, and handsome. Can reach 30' tall by 20' wide in the garden over time and can be coppiced for a smaller, more manageable size. Full sun to part shade with average summer water. Frost hardy in USDA zone 5.
Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:28 PM
Deciduous tree 25-30 tall and wide with large leaves of rich yellow. Adds a jolt of drama to any garden or border. Can be pollarded to promote vigorous new growth.
Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:28 PM
Like the species, but with leaves "a rich ; persistent yellow through-out the summer, making a beautiful spectacle" (Barber ; Phillips). SunMed
Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:28 PM
With the large leaves that you would expect from a catapa except that they are golden! What a sight! zone 5
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