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Hochstein Nursery LLC Hochstein Nursery LLC Martels Nursery Inc. Willamette Nurseries, Inc. (September 20, January 21, May 21) Hochstein Nursery Jiffy Growing Solutions Bowers Forest Products Willamette Nurseries, Inc. (November 20, February 21, May 21, August 21) Eshraghi Nursery Anderson Die & Manufacturing Leonard Adams Insurance Inc.

Plant Details

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Butia capitata

Pindo Palm
Zone: 11, 12, 10a, 10b, 8b, 9a, 9b
Exposure: Sun
Height: Minimum 10 feet , Maximum 20 feet
Width: Maximum 15 feet
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South Carolina Shell Station. With our travels far and wide around the world to find ever newer plants, exotic collection sites can hardly get better than this. On a road trip to interior South Carolina, having spotted eight lovely pindo palms that had withstood rigorous winters and all the harsh conditions a mini-strip mall can provide, we brought home seeds in several large Slurpee containers. The palms, a pretty silver-blue, were otherwise typical. They should grow to about 15 ft producing lovely arched pinnate leaves that curl upon extension. Bright sun, good drainage, and overhead protection at 12 to 15 °F, lower to mid USDA zone 8.
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Submitted by Hooked On Palms & Hooked On Plants LLC on 4/28/2016 2:43 PM

Pindo Palm / Jelly Palm Butia Capitata is a genus of nine species of palms in the family Arecaceae, They are 'feather palms', Beautiful blue-green pinnate leaves strongly recurved 2-4 m long. The species vary from nearly stemless rarely exceeding 15’ tall Ultimately it can grow to about 10 or 20 feet, though this will take some years Butia capitata is notable as one of the hardiest feather palms, tolerating temperatures down to about 13° degrees F. mature trees as low as 10° degrees F. Tolerant of the weather in high rainfall regions This tree is commonly known as the "jelly palm" because of the sticky, edible fruit it produces, which is used in many South American countries as jelly. It’s fruit is also used to make alcoholic spirits. It thrives in humid subtropical climates


Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:23 PM

From the highlands of southeastern Brazil, this stout, feather palm, slow growing to 10-15 ft, has long arching blue-grey fronds and a handsome thatched trunk. Site where heat can accumulate, such as near walls or concrete, in full sun and, preferably, well-drained soil. Drought tolerant but faster growing and more attractive with summer. These seed trees have been undamaged with overhead protection at 12F, the lower end of USDA zone 8.


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