Plant Details

Buddleja x 'Podaras #2' PP22068
Flutterby Grande™ Sweet Marmalade Nectar Bush, Sweet Nectar Bush Temptations™ Apricot Grand
Plant Category:
Deciduous Shrubs & Broadleaf Evergreens
Minimum 6 feet , Maximum 8 feet
Width: Minimum 4 feet , Maximum 6 feet
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Width: Minimum 4 feet , Maximum 6 feet
A new variety of compact Buddleja, Flutterby Grande™ has a dense, upright growth habit with grayish green foliage. Sterile, orange flowers bloom from summer to fall and are very attractive to butterflies. ‘Flutterby Grande™’ grows best in full sun, is resistant to deer and tolerant to both drought and heat. Can reach up to 8’ in height with a spread of 4’ to 6’. USDA Hardiness Zone 5.
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