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Hochstein Nursery LLC Eshraghi Nursery Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Martels Nursery Inc. Bowers Forest Products Hochstein Nursery Hochstein Nursery LLC

Plant Details

Acer palmatum 'Villa Taranto'

Japanese Maple
Zone: 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b
Exposure: Part Shade
Plant Category: Shade & Flowering Trees
Height: Minimum 5 feet , Maximum 10 feet
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LINEAIRLOBUM, green. This delicate European cultivar has brilliant foliage of green with reddish overtones. The plant has a rounded shape and the narrow, five lobed leaves create a lovely, lacy effect. Open branching, with golden yellow fall color. Needless to say, one of our favorites.

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Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:29 PM

A vase-shaped shrub to 12', the leaf color is unique among the red linearlobum cultivars. It comes out reddish purple and changes in the smmer to a reddish green; in the fall it is golden orange. zone 6


Submitted by Ref: on 11/8/2012 4:29 PM

Its very narrow, finely-pointed lobes give a lovely lacy effect to this 6-9' mounder along with a unique coloring, green over-toned with red-purple, that turns gold in fall. Sun-PSh/Med


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3 Nurseries Carry This Plant:

Listing Key

Name City/State Email Phone Prod Type Availability
Bountiful Farms Nursery Inc. Woodburn, OR Email now 503-981-7494 Container: 1
Don Schmidt Nursery Inc. Boring, OR Email now 503-668-4659 BB: 1
Segger Nursery Ltd. Abbotsford, BC Email now 604-857-7783 BB: X Container: X