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Martels Nursery Inc. Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Eshraghi Nursery Willamette Nurseries, Inc. Hochstein Nursery Hochstein Nursery LLC Bowers Forest Products Hochstein Nursery LLC

Plant Details

Abies alba 'Pyramidalis'

Silver Fir
Zone: 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b
Exposure: Part Shade
Plant Category: Conifers
Height: Minimum 20 feet , Maximum 30 feet
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The attractive glossy green needles densely held on ascending branches form a tight columnar tree in youth. Growing 6-12" a year, it will eventually reach 20-30' with a shape becoming more conical with age.
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1 Nurseries Carry This Plant:

Listing Key

Name City/State Email Phone Prod Type Availability
Durkin's Nursery Beavercreek, OR Email now 503-781-7503 BB: X Container: X Liner: X