Member Details
Case Nursery
View our Plant Listings
Sells To: Growers, Retail Garden Centers, Landscape Contractors
Ships To: Northeast, Upper Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, Rocky Mountain, Southeast & Gulf, Southwest, Pacific Northwest, Canada
Business Type: Nursery, Grower, Greenhouse
Company Type: Plants
Sales Type: Wholesale
Wholesale propagation operating in the Willamette Valley for over 40 years. Offering a wide selection of woody ornamentals.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:Case Nursery
12213 Fry Rd. NE
Aurora, OR 97002-8424 Phone: 503-678-1567 Alt Phone: 503-515-1161 Fax: 503-678-5510 Email: Website:
Plant Listings:
Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'
Tri-Color Japanese Spirea
Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound'
Nippon Spirea
Zone: 10a, 10b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b
Spiraea vanhouttei
Vanhoutte Spirea
Taxus baccata 'Repandens Gold'
Gold Spreading English Yew
Thuja occidentalis 'Brandon'
American Arborvitae
Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire'
American Arborvitae, arb
Zone: 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b
Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe'
American Arborvitae